Thursday, June 24, 2010


Welcome to my brand new blog!
I am going to try to keep up with this as best I can, so what I'm going to do is schedule Sundays as my day to blog. So once a week, be sure to check in and see what I've got posted. I will of course try and post more often than that, but to keep myself on track, I will for sure blog on Sundays.

I called this blog "Life is What you Make it" because, well, it's true! I love little quotes like that, and will likely share a lot of my favourite quotes in this blog. I feel like that quote best suits my life right now. I have just finished school and now I'm working on this new Etsy shop I've opened. I'm doing what I can to enjoy my life and make it turn out the way I want it to.

With this blog I want to bring inspiration and beauty to you. Show you some things you might be interested in, and showcase some of my etsy creations.

Thank you for checking out my blog, please come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great start on your blog, Tara! Life IS a beautiful thing. Your pink floral dress is very pretty.
